The path to our accommodation Pension Klimesch

Pension Klimesch an der Seepromenade | Meinrad Guggenbichler-Straße 13 | A-5310 Mondsee

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You can move in our rooms at 15 o'clock / 3 p.m. on your arrival day. We try to fulfill all of your special requests. Please let us know when you will arrive! We ask you for a short call if your arrival will be essentially delayed.


Do you plan to arrive late at night? No problem! We do have a key-safe where we can store the keys for you.

Many ways to come to our place:

By car:

Of cource, you can follow the directions of your navigation system. But it will probably lead you through the central place of Mondsee.

We recommend:

Exit Mondsee. Follow the Main road through the roundabout straight down the road. At the second turning option head left to „Mondsee Süd / Attersee“. Follow the street until you reach the footpath crossing. Then you turn right after about 50 m.

By bicycle:

Many Bike paths lead to us.

 You find Closer information and Cycling maps here.

By train/bus:

To Salzburg by train, from the trainstation with the „Postbus“ Number 140 in 50 min. to Mondsee – Endstation: Mondsee Busterminal.

Another option is to go by train to Oberhofen and with the „Postbus“ Number 595 to Mondsee.

The local bus station is in only 5 minutes walking distance from our house! We offer you to pick you up at the Busterminal.

By plane:

Airport Salzburg, from there with the bus to the Salzburg main station and continue as above.

Walking/on a pilgrimage:  VIA NOVA

Pension Klimesch am Mondsee

Meinrad-Guggenbichler-Straße 13

5310 Mondsee - Austria

UID: ATU 56 25 73 57

Tel.: +43 (0)676 715 60 61


Was uns wichtig ist:

Wir verarbeiten vor allem regionale und / oder fair gehandelte Produkte und legen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit in unserem Tun!

Wir unterstützen Attac mit unserer Mondseer Regionalgruppe.

Wir unterstützen die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie.